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This is The Pentecostal Church of God...

"Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." (St. John 3:7)

The Pentecostal Church of God (PCG) is committed first and foremost to the salvation of souls and ensuring a place for each Christian Believer in Jesus' heavenly Kingdom. We know through God's Word that we must be born again and receive God's spirit, the Holy Ghost, to be a part of His blessed family. (St. John 3:5-7; Romans 8:9)


Thereafter, our primary goal is to serve in a manner that promotes and encourages the spiritual, mental and emotional health; and continual growth of our families, friends and neighboring community; while taking conscious steps to expanding this mission throughout the world!


Under the leadership of the Honorable Bishop Curtis L. Simmons, the boundaries of the PCG's District #1 spread from the Northeastern and Midwest regions of the country from its headquarters in Detroit, MI to Chicago, IL to Buffalo, NY into Toronto in the Canadian province of Ontario. Bishop Simmons' leadership also serves West Africa in portions of Lagos, Nigeria. The dioceses of Districts 2, 3 & 4 serve other regions of the United States from the states of California to Florida and other regions of the south and east coast.

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